Simple steps to ease headphone maintenance

Simple steps to ease headphone maintenance
Simple steps to easily solve the headphone maintenance problem, headphone manufacturers share with you.
Wire temperature rise, the use of different headphone sets and so on, too many factors will change the sound quality of headphones, and maintenance of headphones on three points: careful, patient and attentive.
Earphones are very delicate by nature. A pair of earphones is few but tens, while a pair of high earphones is endless. You can't treat them better, and you can't afford to spend RMBs. It is the sensitive and charming use value of headphones that gives them a high price. If you want it to dance to stir up the heart of the year and sing to ease the mood of the year, you must treat it better. The following is a full guide to headphone maintenance for follow-up:
Tip1. Sleep when it's time. Don't keep your earphones on. It's not comfortable to wear earphone wires around your neck overnight. It makes you feel uncomfortable to press them down overnight. It's easy to age, deform and lose interest after a long time. Sao Nian, you know!
Tip2. Don't hurt it and leave body fluids behind. After using headphones, wipe the sweat and other related body fluids from the headphone line as far as possible. These secretions of the human body, which contain grease and other most harmful wire, the so-called old wire oxidation, mostly by body fluids.
Tip3. Avoid excessive PM2.5 intake by headphones. When using headphones, it's better not to smoke. A careless ear shell and wire scald don't say. With the birth of PM2.5, which is accompanied by cloud-swallowing and mist-spitting, the ear shell is attached to the epileptic membrane, and the sound will not be right for a long time.
Tip4. Turn down the volume before use. If the volume of your output device is too loud, it will shake your ears. The lighter one is the wrinkle of the diaphragm, the heavier one is the burning of the earphone coil.
Tip5. Headphones away from strong magnetism. The magnetism of the unit decreases and the sensitivity decreases over time.
Tip6. Keep headphones away from dampness. The pad in the headphone unit will rust and the resistance will increase, so your headphone will be biased.
Tip7. Don't fart your earphones. You haven't heard of bending the iPhone 5 in one butt, not to mention a pair of weak headphones.
Tip8. Do not disassemble. Curiosity is so strong that I want to take the headphones apart. Some headphones are difficult to dismantle. Some headphones can't be dismantled without special methods. Even if they are dismantled, 80% of the headphones will be unable to continue working or have deflection.
Tip9. It's better not to use it outdoors in winter. In winter, the hard and brittle performance of headphones has been significantly improved, falling on the ground and cracking crisp. Winter is cold, the wire is hard and brittle, excessive bending can easily break the wire. At this time, do not heat the headphone wire, high temperature will accelerate the aging of the wire.
Tip10. Keep away from chemicals. Paint on the earphone case can easily dissolve in organic chemicals. If you don't mind the stains, try it.

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